Stop Dr. Profit

Dr. Brian Day is attempting to dismantle the public health care system in the B.C. Supreme Court with a constitutional challenge aimed at allowing for-profit, U.S.-style delivery of medically necessary services. Dr. Day, better known as “Dr. Profit,” will be making his case starting Tuesday, September 6.
Read Full Article here…

When: Tuesday, September 6 at 9:00 a.m.
Where: B.C. Supreme Court, Corner of Nelson & Hornby, Vancouver

GENERAL MEETING NOTICE for SEPT 14, 2016 (Revised)

-Local Lodge 764 – Bylaw Amendment – SECOND READING AND VOTE
-Amend Article VI – Section C – Standing and Appointed Committees.
-Nominations for Western Region General Chairperson, Air Canada.
-Nominations for Local Lodge 764 Executive Board Members. Elections will be December 14, 2016.
Read PDF File here…


The IAMAW is extremely disappointed that the Senate adopted Bill C-10 without any amendments or
even a second sober thought of preserving jobs and securing the Canadian MRO industry. Read PDF File here…